Wendy from Kapiti has this question about cleaning/ sterilising a toothbrush. “I have tried before the boiling water/soda and (I think) vinegar soaks but always seem to still end up with that strong “toothpasty” smell so it never quite feels as fresh as new. Any ideas guys? Thank-you.”
I have found that if you fill the stained mug or cup with water and drop in a generous dollop of bleach and leave it to stand- it cleans the mugs beautifully after about an hour. Rinse it out and wash as normal and there is no bleach taste or smell, just a nice shiny white cup or mug. – Anne, Auckland.
Reply to Wendy and her toothbrush. Use conventional supermarket toothpaste- Aim or Colgate. It’s dental assoc approved, and best for you tooth and gum health.. ….probably cheapest too! Use only a blob the size of a pea. I do this and rinse T. brush between use…with no after taste. Good Luck. – C. I., Tauranga
Cleaning and freshening toothbrushes. I use Steradent, and if you have someone in the house with false teeth pop your toothbrush in the glass with them. Don’t worry about picking up their germs, Steradent is a steriliser and you can wash your toothbrush in jot water before you use it again. – Jacque, Napier