Honey is already several months old when you buy it in the supermarket and it doesn’t matter how long you store it for as it is a natural preservative itself.
[For storage tips Rosemary recommends visiting hiveandhoneyapiary.com. In short, that site says, “The best way of storing honey is in jars or containers at cool room temperatures… Glass jars are ideal… Always make sure the jars are tightly sealed… It’s not a good idea to store your honey in non-food plastic containers or metal containers because they can cause the honey to oxidize… and could cause health issues… If you don’t plan to use your honey for a couple of months or longer, you should think about freezing it. Make sure you put it in a container that has extra room, because honey will expand when it freezes. You can keep it in the freezer for a couple of years.” – oily rag ed’]