Our dentist suggested cleaning our dentures and plates with a denture brush and soap. Works well.
Our dentist suggested cleaning our dentures and plates with a denture brush and soap. Works well.
I recommend Steradent Active Plus which comes as a powder in a 200g bottle. It works really well and is economical (I buy it from Pak ‘N Save).
My dentist recommends cleaning dentures in dish washing liquid and a weekly over night soak in Janola. (Heavily diluted of course.)
Cleaning dentures. I use Clor-o-Gene from the local supermarket (not the lemon one). I soak the dentures in it overnight then give them a quick brush with detergent. It produces a brilliant smile every time!
Instead of expensive denture cleaner, buy a bottle of extra strength bleach from Pak ‘N Save for 2 to 3 dollars and add a tiny dash (not too much) to a glass of water and soak dentures overnight. Rinse thoroughly before using. Much cheaper, lasts forever and does a better job.
Cleaning dentures. Plain baking soda works better than commercial expensive cleaners. Just put it straight onto a toothbrush and use the same as you would use toothpaste. It works a treat.
To clean dentures use a teaspoon each of citric acid and baking soda. I found if I mixed these together in a container they hardened, so I keep them in separate containers. Put dentures in cup, add citric acid and baking soda, then cover with hot water. It will fizz when water is added. Rinse […]
Dental Floss. Buy a ball of string (coated) from your hardware store. Cut to required length. Split to thickness you want.
Always cut “empty” tubes of face creams etc in half. You will be surprised how much there is left. My record is 4 weeks of daily use from an “empty” tube. Re-close by inserting one half into the other.
Store your roll-on deodorant upside down. It will last for weeks longer.