Category Archives: Reader questions

Hot water cylinder?

Tamzin from Auckland has been trying to save power by switching off their hot water cylinder at night. “I am very keen to find out the real deal re hot water savings. I too can check daily usage online -BUT after alternating off/on for the hot water cylinder am now using MORE power. This does […]

Nits and lice

Question please, a cheap way for dealing with head lice in my two granddaughters long hair. I’ve just bought yet another expensive product to try and break this cycle. Even after 10 days at the beach swimming in salt water, still the nits are there. This is war. – C.S, Auckland

Toilet bowl cleaner

Jane from Auckland is looking for ideas to clean a toilet bowl that had become stained with a light rust colour. “I have tried vinegar and baking soda and a lot of scrubbing but this was unsuccessful. Any ideas?”


Hi, I would like to find a friendly way of removing damp mould off my very expensive bedroom suite, my house is damp and its on all my of my suite, any ideas of how to get rid of the damp smell in my rooms.Thanks Not mad about mould. – Madcow, Taranaki.

Mountains of mandarins

Dee from Whangarei writes, “Some friends of ours have hundreds of mandarin trees that are absolutely loaded with fruit. We have given away fruit to virtually everyone we know, and we still have bag loads. So I am sending out an SOS to the oily rag community to ask for suggestions on how to make […]

Grey water?

Jane from Auckland is asking for ideas. “I have been collecting grey water from the shower and using it to flush the toilet. The toilet bowl is now stained a light rust colour. I have tried vinegar and baking soda and a lot of scrubbing but this was unsuccessful. Any ideas.”

Staining trellis?

Carolyn from Napier has this question. “I have a query regarding staining wooden trellis work. I have extensive wooden trellis sections that I applied a commercial stain to about 8 years ago, costing many dollars! Would anyone know of a ‘home-spun’ method, perhaps using a household oil like linseed or something else? I would be […]