F.L., Auckland.
Cut the back off previous years cards and fold the front in half to make gift tags. This works best with patterned cards rather than a complete picture.
Cut the back off previous years cards and fold the front in half to make gift tags. This works best with patterned cards rather than a complete picture.
For about 6 or 7 years I have been making my own greeting cards. I started by taking the insert out of the cards people had given to me, put a new one in and send them to someone else. Then someone was kind enough to give me off cuts from a printing firm and […]
Our wider family got together and decided to limit Christmas gifts to $2 per person. That way nobody is too disappointed when they don’t get anything flash. After all what do you expect $2? So what can you give for $2? •Photos with a message printed across them, from digital machines. • Photo frame, brought […]
GIFTS: I collected seeds popped into home made gift envelopes make wonderful gifts for gardening lovers.
My daughter loves to give her teacher a gift each year. Not costly, around $10. However, this year, she decided that she wanted to give a gift to 3 other teachers and also those who care for her after school. I realised this was going to be too costly so made a batch of Russian […]
Last year I made pickles and chutney and made nice home made labels for them on my computer. I wrapped each jar in bright red or green new tea towels and tied them with ribbon. My friends seemed well pleased with them and if you make a few extra they come in handy for gifts […]
I was helping my daughter with her stickers, and after I’d taken the stickers of, the plastic that the stickers were on, I cut around the shapes, and painted them with finger nail polish, and made a small hole with a needle, and hung them up on a small stick in the bathroom. Already my […]
A lot of my Xmas gifts came from dollar stores. No one needs to know the price. I brought men’s and women’s perfume for only $6. It was well worth my time and money when you are on very tight budget.