Monthly Archives: August 2015

B.H., Pakaraka.

I have a use for the small extra pieces of PVC guttering. I buy 2 stop ends for the piece and glue into place and this makes a great feeding trough for my chooks.

Dianne MacDonald.

Don’t throw your old basketballs away. Simply cut the tops of and poke a few holes in the base of the ball. Fill with spagnum moss and soil, and fill with plants, Poke four holes evenly around the top and hang up with rope or what you have lying around. Makes a good hanging basket. […]

J.O. Christchurch.

I get a lot of enjoyment out of using things other people class as rubbish and if I save money by doing so, it’s even better. For years I was on a small wage and I still managed to pay off a $10,000 loan in 3 years. I’m proud of myself and think I am […]

Bob, Nelson.

I discovered mailchimp the other day. It’s an email newsletter system that’s free if you have less than 1500 on your email list. It’s great for clubs and small businesses. [The website is]  

Lorraine, Whakatane.

I use the inner tops off yoghurt half litre pottles of cottage cheese etc to separate layers of food for the freezer. Saves using plastic, and can be re-used over and over. I also find the white newsprint type paper that supermarkets wrap some goods in can make a good lining for my fridge vege […]

C.T. Onerahi, Whangarei.

I only use a large rubbish bag about once a month for rubbish to go to the dump. I always put fruit and vege scraps, tea bags, egg shells, and vacuum cleaner contents into a bucket and when it is full I dig it straight into my small vege garden, where it turns into soil […]

W.G., Waimauku.

I am not a knitter, so op-shop or passed on jumpers etc would be used like knitted material and cut down to make anything from kids clothes, to patchwork throw rugs or to line oven cloths and pot holders. If you are smart and utilise the ribbed areas well shrunk woollens make brilliant leak proof […]

V.M, Levin.

Each year I make my own Christmas cards with my own poem and pics of children. For envelopes I use magazine pages, they’re easy to fold into an envelope. I used old bridal mags last year. They look great and people appreciate your effort. Unfortunately some recipients thought they were wedding invitations! Hehe.


Use inside “plastic” bags from cereal packets to wrap left-over food instead of grease-proof paper. I use it to wrap my lunch and it keeps fresh. Just wipe and dry it each night.