Monthly Archives: June 2015

Bev, Auckland.

You don’t have to look specifically for products labelled “distilled vinegar” (distilled vinegar is a clear vinegar, too strong and bitter for cooking but excellent for cleaning glass and as a disinfectant).  As a substitute, you can use white vinegar instead – it will do the same job.  White vinegar, is readily available at most […]

J.O., Christchurch.

I use a tablespoon of soda with the detergent, which decreases the grease, and the detergent goes further. I also use soda to soak my tooth bushes and combs, which gives them another lease of life! Or in the bath as bath salts. I only use a fraction of toothpaste of what they advertise; I […]


Have a “bought-by” date. This is the opposite to a used by date. When you buy cleaning liquid, such as dish washing liquid, write the purchase date on the bottle. Challenge yourself to see how long the bottle lasts.


Buy the cheapest two-litre container of dish washing liquid. Tip half into a one-litre container. Top up the now half full container with water. Use the full strength solution for big washes and greasy dishes. Use the diluted mix for light everyday washes and small amounts of dishes.

EMS, Wellington.

Through six children I cleaned many sweat-tops and most clothing of oil, food or grease stains by hand-washing (scrubbing the old fashioned way before there were washing machines) with a cake of sunlight soap and moderately hot water before putting them through a normal wash. Alternatively you can just soak them in a bucket of […]

Joan, Wellington.

For those with fireplaces/woodburners who do not know what to do with their ash: Ash can be dumped in the garden to add alkalinity. I use it to absorb oil from pots and pans and then wash, also on stovetops to absorb splatters, then just wipe clean. I got this tip from an Indian lady […]


Household Cleaner. This solution also lasts forever. Household cleaner used to cost me $80 per month, but now I buy detergent every three months, vinegar once a year at $1.50, washing soda every 18 months at $0.98c and eucalyptus oil once every eight months at $3.50 – a saving of $880 a year minus $20 […]

Thirties Depression Baby, Auckland.

There was a really horrible stain in our wall-to-wall carpet. Fortunately we had some off-cuts and did a successful repair job by cutting out a square (in our case 200 x 200 mm) and replacing it by fitting and gluing down a corresponding square taken from an off-cut. This method is not for the faint-hearted! […]

B.W., Auckland.

Liquid Laundry Detergent. You need: Hot water, 1 bar Sunlight Soap (grated), 1 cup washing soda. In a large saucepan add grated soap and enough hot water to cover. Heat over medium-low heat and stir until soap is melted. Fill a large bucket with 9.5L of hot water, add hot soap mixture. Stir until well […]

B.W., Auckland.

Multi-Purpose Cleaner. You need: 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1.8 litres of water. Combine ingredients in a clean container (a 3L milk bottle will do), shake to blend.  Then for ease of use, I pour into a spray bottle.  A great all-purpose cleaner for a fraction of the price.