Category Archives: Gardening

Grandma C, Christchurch.

On my 1/8th acre section I have a feijoa hedge, raspberries at the borders, and apple, nectarine and lemon trees. Herbs in a small above ground garden by the back door beans and peas climb up fences on wire mesh. Asparagus in a plot and yams in an old barrel as they spread into anything. […]

N.W., Waverley.

After years of dirty nails and hands after gardening I recently discovered that if I put disposable vinyl gloves on then the knit type gloves on top – my hands remained wonderfully clean, and the disposable gloves lasted a considerable time.


Don’t throw away your plastic milk bottles. When they are empty fill with cold water. Place lid on and shake. There is a good milky residue. Use the contents to water your pot plants. It acts like a pick me up. My African daises thrive as do my many other indoor plants. It saves you […]

M, Masterton.

I recycle my urine and use it on lemons, Brassica’s and other plants where you want good leafy growth. [Not a tip that will suit everyone, especially one where the neighbours get a good view of your garden, but for those who have not turned away at the thought, here are some facts to think about: Urine […]

Reader, Masterton.

I collect wooden pallets (they are free!). I have managed to fence of the back third of the section for my chickens, and my vegetable patch is fenced to keep out the dogs and chickens. These fences now provide lots of vertical areas for me to grow climbers. I tie them together with old stockings […]

Canny Scot, Christchurch.

Make use of your fences. I have a 392m2 section which includes a 60 metre drive but I have managed to grow 56 varieties of edibles this year. Get plastic trellis and attach it to your fences and grow beans, peas, boysenberries, blackberries, cucumbers, snow peas, etc. They don’t all need full sun just warm […]


I have four round black plastic compost bins. I fill these with the household scraps and clean garden weeds. When bin 1 is full, I start bin 2, etc. By the time bin 4 is full, bin 1 is ready to use. If there is any uncomposted material in the “using bins”, transfer it to […]