Dog fleas
Fay from Blenheim has a question. “Would lavender oil be okay to put on a dog to stop flees?” [Also, do you have any tips about shampoos for cats and dogs – Oily Rag Ed’]
Fay from Blenheim has a question. “Would lavender oil be okay to put on a dog to stop flees?” [Also, do you have any tips about shampoos for cats and dogs – Oily Rag Ed’]
To deter cats from your garden dab eucalyptus oil around the area. Cats detest smells like eucalyptus oil. I believe they don’t like the smell of vinegar either but I haven’t tried that out – only the eucalyptus oil. Reapply every few days.
This is a good and cheap flea remedy for cats and dogs that works. Mix 225 ml cider vinegar with 112 ml of warm water. Add 1/2 a teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Shake well, put into a spray bottle and apply.